The phone rang just as Joanne and Val were sitting
down to a raisin bran breakfast. Joanne talked for a few
minutes (Val could tell it was Steve).
"Uh huh,...sure,...I think she'll love it,....We've
got just the thing,...It's electric green,...Sure, I'll do
that,...sounds like fun." She rung off.
"What's up?"
"Steve says the weather's perfect and he wants to
shoot on the boat today," Joanne told her ten year old.
"Cool!" Val replied, her face brightening. She
wiped a drop of milk out of the corner of her mouth.
"Do you know were that green bikini of yours is?"
"I think it's in my dresser, why?"
"Run and get it, Steve wants you in a bathing suit
for something," she paused. "Probably for a nice
undressing scene."
Val giggled, the idea of Doug slowly pulling her
bikini off made a tingle down between the child's legs. She
slid off the stool and went down the hall while her mother
rummaged in a drawer, pulling out a small pair of scissors.
When Val returned, she handed the small strips of
fabric to her mom who, between bites, started cutting the
beige lining out of the top.
"Why ya doing that?"
"Make it sort of see through, at least when it's wet,"
Jo said as the first triangle of nylon fell to the counter and
she switched to the other side of the top. Val munched on
the bowl of cereal as she watched her mother then move to
the bottoms, carefully cutting the lining out of the crotch.
She put the suit down, then turned back to her
breakfast. "Steve says he just wants some shots of 'random
fucking' today."
Val picked up the bathing suit bottoms and held
them to the light. "Can't wait to wear this at the pool, watch
all the old farts trying to cover their hard-ons." She giggled
Fifteen minutes later they were making their way
down the Santa Monica freeway toward the ocean. Once
they were southbound on Lincoln Blvd, Val started pulling
her top off.
"What's ya doing?" Jo asked.
"Putting on my bathing suit, silly," Val replied as
she worked her shorts and panties over her knees. The car
stopped at a traffic light, a few of the pedestrians noticed
the naked preteen in the front seat. One man smiled and
gave her a thumbs up. The light turned and, as the masts of
the sailboats at Marina Del Ray came into view, Val was
busy adjusting her top over her rosebud nipples.
Val was surprised to see that the location near
Magic, the 39 foot ketch used in the film, had been turned
into a Mexican seaport. All the signs were in Spanish, a
bait and tackle shop had been turned into a cantina. Steve
met them as they walked down the quay to Magic.
"Nice suit," he said.
"Can't wait to get it off," she replied.
"All in good time, child," Steve replied, smiling at
The next two hours was spent making short shots as
Val and Doug worked around the boat getting it ready for
what, in the movie, would be a long transit from Cancun to
Jamaica. In one shot, Val was filling the water tanks with a
hose. As they overfilled, water sprayed up from the deck
fitting, drenching her front. Taking this as a cue, the ten
year old stood up and let the stream of water cascade down
her front. The water was actually quite cold but, still, for
the shot, she controlled her reaction as the wetting of the
thin nylon showed the dark bumps of her nipples and the
shadow of her clean slit. She was almost dry as they untied
the lines and motored through the marina, then the
breakwaters and into the Catalina Channel. Two other
boats, diesel powerboats, moved along with them, making a
low rumble. These were for distance shots of Magic as she
Onboard magic, in addition to the Director, Steve,
were two cameramen, a sound technician, on lighting tech
and three crew to sail the boat. Soon after leaving the
marina, Steve had the crew raise the sails, and then, using
walky-talky radios, directed a number of shots of magic
underway. Very soon, he had Val move forward and lay
down in the sun on the deck just ahead of the main mast.
Under the bright sun, Val was warm and didn't mind the
instruction to pour water from a cup over her top, making
her nipples stand out through the slightly translucent
material. Next, she dribbled water into her navel which ran
down her flat stomach and wetted the green bikini bottoms.
The waist band clung to her skin, she moved the slow
stream of water down and wetted her crotch. Now the rise
of her clean mons, bisected by the dark image of her slit,
was barely revealed. Knowing what she was doing, and the
show she was putting on for the camera, made the ten year
old incredibly horny, she couldn't wait until Steve called
Doug up to relieve her.
Doug's shadow passed over her as he knelt down on
his knees next to the preteen goddess. First they kissed,
entwining their tongues as Doug moved his hand up Val's
thigh, using the knife edge of his pointer finger to massage
the dark slit through the bathing suit. Val moaned softly
and humped slightly against his hand. Doug moved down,
kissing the child's chin, then her neck, then the skin where
the triangles of green fabric met over her sternum. At the
same time, he moved his hand up to the waistband of her
bottoms, insinuating his finger underneath to gently stroke
her hairless pus. Val gasped when he, using his teeth,
pulled the fabric of her top aside, then sucked, hard, on the
erect nipple. At the same time, he pushed a finger up inside
her immature vagina, pushing against the small bump of
her cervix, the entrance to the child's womb.
Val reached down and, bringing her hand along the
inside of Doug's thigh, reached through the leg hole of his
brown swim trunks to stroke the hardening member
underneath. Doug pulled his hand out of the girls bikini
bottoms, then moved to the side and pulled on the tie over
the child's hip. It came loose and he slowly pulled it across
to the other, inch by inch, uncovering the perfect, bare sex
of the child. Next he moved down the girl's torso, kissing
and tonguing the clear smooth skin until he reached the top
of her slit. Val whimpered and made small thrusts of her
pelvis as she felt his tongue move along her sex and over
her clitoris. Doug moved around, his knees between Val's
legs (she could no longer reach his cock) and pulling the
bikini bottoms down below her left knee, sucked and licked
the smooth cunt. Val had her first of many orgasms,
rocking to the expert strokes of Doug's tongue.
As she lay back in the afterglow, Doug straightened
up on his knees, then pulled his trunks down, releasing his
enraged member. With no prompting, Val sat up, still
between the man's knees, and took the angry red bulb into
her mouth. Doug leaned back, one hand on Val's shoulder,
the other on his hip, and humped his cock into the child's
mouth. After a half minute of shooting, Steve called for the
crew on Magic to go into the cabin so one of the chase
boats could get a shot of the scene from a distance.
After another few minutes Doug said, "Turn
around, we're gonn'a go doggy style."
Val smiled up, pulling his dick out of her mouth,
There was a break in the action as Steve and the
cameramen came back on deck. Steve directed Val to
scramble out from between Doug's knees, then kneel on
her hands an knees in front of him. Her round ass was
spread, she flared it up towards him giving an awesome
view of her pussy lips and dark pink ass hole.
Doug stroked his schlong as he worked into
position, spreading a thin coat of K-Y over himself. Val
smiled and looked back at him, swinging her hips slightly.
Doug placed the head of his cock at the entrance of the ten
year old pussy, then pushed. Her thick lips parted, allowing
the man's cock to slide between and disappear into her
Val threw her head back and moaned as she was
penetrated by Doug's cock. The position was new, the
feelings and sensations unique as she felt him drive deep
inside her. She rocked back against him and felt a
momentary pain as the head of his cock crashed against the
entrance to her womb. Then she rocked forward and was
surprised by the clean sensation of him moving inside her
without other parts of his body against her.
As they fucked, Steve directed the camera to get
different shots, from the side, pictures of Valerie's face,
Doug looking down, his hands on the girls hips as he watch
his cock slide in and out of the preteen's cunt. Then they
left the lovemakers, allowing the chase boats to film from a
distance, catching the image of the two meeting only at the
point of Doug's shaft, sliding in and out of Val from
Steve came back, along with the cameramen. By
this time, Val had had at least four orgasms and the
pressure was building in Doug. It would be the first of three
times he would cum that day, and he was feeling a dull
ache behind his balls as his cock became hypersensitive to
the amazingly smooth and tight pussy of the ten year old.
Knowing that the time had come, he started to piston into
the girl, directing her rocking with his big hands on her
hips. A couple of times he reached around and gently
pinched her erect nipples, but then returned to her hips.
"Ok, Doug, any time," Steve said.
Doug was almost crazy for this release and Val
wanted nothing more than to feel him filling her with his
seed. She rocked back to meet his thrusts, her head back as
another orgasm built deep inside her. Doug pushed deep
inside her, then withdrew to the point that the head of his
cock was just at the gates, then shoved back inside. In three
more thrusts he was overcome and, as he slammed into the
little girl, he fired an enormous load of sperm inside her.
Again he pushed, pumping semen past the top of her cunt
and into her child-womb. More filled her tight vagina and a
froth of white jez appeared around her hairless pussy lips.
She fell down, her arms collapsing, her ass still in
the air, impaled on Doug's rigid cock as he pumped the last
of his cum inside the child's pussy. Now he sank back,
slowly rocking back onto his heels. His cock slid slowly
out of her cunt, a long string of jez stretching between
them, then broke. Doug panted for a half minute, then
raised back up and, again placing his dick head against the
child's slit, gently pushed back inside her. But, this time, he
continued to push forward and she stretched out and lay
down on her stomach, Doug covering her from behind.
Then he rolled, pulling the child with him. She hooked her
leg over his so her legs were apart and the camera caught a
full length view of the lovers, coupled still, before they
curled up like spoons and drifted into sleep.
"All right, that's a wrap!" Steve called. Val came
slowly back to her senses as the camera and sound men
worked their way back to the cockpit, stumbling along as
the boat worked in the seas. It was lunchtime, so the cast
and crew sat and ate sandwiches, drinking cokes and water.
This time, sitting with the men, not working, Val felt a little
uncomfortable being naked and she wrapped up in an
oversized towel as they ate and discussed the finer points of
sailing and sailboats. One of the chase boats approached
and, as backup tapes of the morning shoots were handed
one way, fresh batteries were passed the other.
The wind was strengthening from the southwest, so
Steve had them sail due west, beating out toward Santa
Catalina Island. He needed the boat to give a good ride to
make the afternoons filming easier.
"I hope not too many people realize that the winds
blow from the east in the Caribbean. These shots are
supposed to be when you're sailing back to Jamaica, you'd
be beating." He paused for a few minutes, studying the
horizon, "Also have to frame the shots to keep the island
It being a week day, there weren't many other boats
around, but there was a constant line of tankers and
freighters going in and out of Long Beach. "Those will be
fine, there are always ships at sea." They continued along
for a while. "Ya know, a lot of 'The Hunt for Red October'
was filmed right here. Mostly the last scenes, where they're
rescuing the crew off the submarine. It was supposed to be
the middle of the Atlantic but, if you look closely, you can
see the California coast and Catalina Island through the
haze." They talked for a little while about the technical
points of shooting at sea and Steve described the difficulty
of maintaining consistency between shots because of the
ocean's constantly changing nature.
The talk lagged, obviously Steve was wasting time,
after a while it became a little awkward. "Well, Doug, you
think you're fully recovered?"
"I'll never recover from that little sex slut," Doug
said, smiling at Val.
"Ok then," there was a pause as everyone turned to
give the boss their attention, "I want a spuge shot." He
looked at the child, "Val, all you've got to do in this shot is
lay there like you're asleep, Doug'll do all the work." He
winked at Doug who smiled back.
"What's he going to do?"
"You just lay there sleeping. I'm going to jerk off
on you."
"I'd wake up for that," Val giggled.
"After he starts cumming, you do whatever comes
to mind dear," Steve said. "I'm sure you'll have a surprise
for us."
For the next few minutes, Steve was busy
instructing the crew on how he wanted the scene shot.
Cameras were checked out, new tape and batteries
installed, light levels checked. The boat was brought about
and set on a broad reach before the wind, back toward
Marina Del Ray. The sailing crew purposely adjusted the
sails, even put a reef in the main, to slow the boat down.
"Ok, Val, you just lie on the seat there and go to
sleep," Steve instructed.
The ten year old lay on her back, using a life
cushion as a pillow and opened the sky blue towel. She
closed her eyes, putting one arm over her head, the other by
her side, her hand on her hip. She closed her eyes and tried
to relax.
The breeze blowing over her was comfortable, just
a little bit chill when an eddy off the cool pacific water
would rise over the side of the boat, then warm when the
air just above the surface would be pushed down by the
sails. It got very quiet, the sounds of the boat working, little
groans, creaks, and clanks along with the sloshing and
burbling of the water took over. Val relaxed.
Even with her eyes closed, she could feel the men
moving around her. A camera made a close up pan of her
body, from her feet to her head, admiring every feature of
the child lay out in the sun. More shots were taken of her
face, hands, nipples, and especially her full and smooth
pussy. Her legs were slightly apart and a close up from
between her knees of the lovely meeting of her lips dwelled
upon for more than two minutes.
The entire time, Doug had been standing in back,
admiring the child goddess who was the object of attention
for no fewer than five men. He had been remembering the
feeling of her, her tightness as he penetrated her, the
wonder suction of her lips, the light scraping of her teeth
along his cock. Most of all, he had been remembering the
sight of her little body writhing as she was overcome with
orgasm, ripples moving across her, the feeling of her
incredibly tight and smooth pussy shivering as she came.
Steve turned to Doug and gestured. Doug quickly
ducked through the hatch down into the cabin, then turned
around and climbed out. The camera followed him as he
looked around the boat, then centered his attentions on the
naked child. A smile played across his face, as an idea
Doug walked forward and stood over the girl,
admiring her. He reached down and starts to stroke his
cock. The sight of the naked preteen was intoxicating and
soon Doug's cock had reached its full size. Doug quickened
his pace, jerking off directly over the child. As the cum
started to move, as he began to loose control, Doug leaned
forward and aimed his cock at the child's chest. His first
shot of white splashed across her sternum and collar bone.
Another gob of slime landed in Val's armpit, the string
stretched across her pectoral. Doug re-aimed and, as Val
stirred, more of his jez landed on the girl's chin and across
her lips.
Val opened her eyes and, after a short moment of
surprise, opened her mouth and caught Doug's last shot on
her tongue. A long drip of cum stretched from his cock to
Val's chest.
"Mmmmm, Good morning," Val said.
"You like my cum?" Doug said.
Val rubbed her finger in a pool of slime on her
chest, then put it in her mouth. Doug reached down and
pushed more of his sperm from her chin into her mouth.
Then he lifted more of his semen off the ten year olds chest
and fed it to her.
Val smiled up at her lover, pursing her lips and
pushed some sperm out, then opened her mouth to show the
camera her cum filled face. Then she closed her mouth and
There was another long break, again the boats met
and exchanged tapes and batteries. Also, a make-up
technician stepped across. This time there was also another
small package passed, but Val didn't notice it in all the
Magic was set on an easy reach, moving northwest
along the coast. The day had cleared and the California
coast, from Long Beach almost to Santa Barbra was clear.
Even the ubiquitous brown smog over LA had mostly
"Val, go below with Jenni here and get cleaned up
for the next scene," Steve called, indicating the make-up
Val was introduced to the discomforts of a marine
toilet and shower, and was feeling a little seasick as she sat
on a pipe berth and had her hair (in tangles) combed out.
She was very happy to get back on deck and into the sun
and wind.
"Ok, Dear," Steve looked up at her, "I'd like to do
the dildo scene. Do you remember it?"
"Have you ever used a vibrator before?" Steve
"Oh, yeah, mom and I..." Val trailed off, then was
embarrassed when she saw the knowing smiles on a few
"Well, here," Steve handed her the same vibrator
her mother had introduced to her a week earlier.
"That's mom's...." again her voice trailed off.
"Ok, Places Everyone!" Steve called out.
Val was a little flustered as she took the plastic
phallus and went back down into the cabin. She twisted the
end and it buzzed-checking the batteries.
Val paused for a moment, remembering her lines,
then gaining her composure. The crew looked expectantly
at her from up on deck as she thought for a moment. She
turned off the tool, then looked down, getting ready. When
she looked back up into the camera which was on deck, she
was smiling.
"Look what I found!" she giggled as she bounced
up on deck.
"Oh....aaaa,....yeah," Doug stumbled.
Valerie plopped down on the seat opposite Doug.
"Now, let's see, does this work?" She inspected the
tool. After a few seconds, the electric motor came to life
with a buzz.
"Humm..." Val feigned an academic interest,
knowing that she was making fun of Doug. She ran the tip
of the dildo around her right nipple, "Oh!" Then she moved
the length of the shaft along her left, "MMMmmmm, I
think I'm going to like this toy."
Next she moved it down and pushed it against her
slit, because she was sitting up, even leaning forward a
little, she pushed it between her pussy and the seat. "Oh,
yeah," she breathed quietly. She leaned back, spreading her
knees and began to move the shaft along the length of her
hairless cooch. After a couple of slow strokes, she started
moving it faster and started breathing a little harder.
Another camera got a shot of Doug watching the ten year
old masturbate, slowly stroking himself to hardness.
The child slouched way down and pulled her knees
up, almost to her shoulders, completely exposing the twin
ridges of her thick outer lips, pulling them apart so the
camera could see her hooded clit and thin inner lips, these
also pulled slightly apart. She pointed the vibrater and
pushed it, but it wouldn't slide in.
Steve motioned one of the set hands and he stepped
forward, "Here, let me grease it up," he said.
Val came out of her rivalry and looked up at him,
then held the tool up. He took it and, from a tube, spread a
thin layer of jelly over it, then handed it back to the girl.
"Thanks," she said. Again she paused.
"Whenever you're ready, we're still shooting,"
Steve said.
Again, the ten year old composed herself, then
started masturbating for the cameras. After just a couple of
times moving the tip along her wide open slit, she pointed
and pushed the toy. This time it slid easily into the child,
half its length disappearing between her lips as she felt the
vibrations deep within her. For the camera, she fucked
herself for at least five minutes, but she didn't cum. When
she pulled it out and firmly pushed the head against her red
and engorged clit that the dam broke. She shivered,
humping her pussy up towards the lens, and made several
high squeaks as she came. Then, as the waves receded, she
again pushed the dildo deep inside her, lowered her feet
back to the deck and lifting her arms over her head, the dim
buzzing could barely be picked up by the microphones.
Now it was Doug's turn to, for the third time that
day, blow his jez. He moved forward and, kneeling
between her knees, started fucking her again with the dildo.
Her eyes closed, her arms still over her head, Val started to
move and breath with the fucking. A smile played over her
lips. At a signal from Steve, Doug pulled the tool out of the
child, then slammed his cock deep inside her.
With a yelp, Val came awake. This was no gentle
making love. This time the child was savagely fucked by
Doug. He slammed the girl, pushing her up in the seat. Val
threw her head back and had a series of violent orgasms,
the veins and tendons in her neck standing out as Doug
drilled into her. As she was rammed by Doug she
experience repeated, short and intense orgasms. She
groaned with each, both with pain from the violent fuck
and with ecstasy.
As his cum built for the third time, just before he
was to empty his sack, Doug pulled out, jerking hard on his
cock and blew his load on the child's crotch. Then he
pushed deep inside her again, pumping cum into her womb,
only to pull out and stand up, white slime dripping off the
wet bulb. He offered his cum and pussy juice covered dick
to Val and she hungrily took it deep in her mouth, sucking
hard to get the last of his sperm.
His cock still in her mouth, Doug brushed her hair
back. "God, you're the most awesome fuck." It wasn't in
the script, he really meant it.
With the wind coming up, it was an exciting ride
back into Marina Del Ray, Val sat almost the entire time on
the bow, her legs dangling over the side. Val didn't put her
suit back on until the boat was tied up. Joanne was at the
dock, she had spent the day on one of the chase boats and
had, obviously, been sunning herself, getting rid of the tan
lines that came from using the pool at the apartment.
"So, it looked like you were having a good time,"
she said, greeting her daughter.
"Yeah, I love sailing!"
"I meant the other thing."
"Oh, yeah," the ten year old giggled. "I kind'a like
that doggy style."
"So do I, dear," her mother said. "Let's get home
and showered, then we'll go out for dinner.
They were mostly quiet on the drive home, both of
them were sleepy after a day on the water and, as they sat
in traffic, Val dozed off while Jo listened to the evening
news on KNX. Her mother pushed on her shoulder, waking
her up after parking the car at their apartment. "Come on,
sleepy bum," Jo said. "Race ya to the showa!"
Mother and daughter ran laughing up the steps and
down the balcony to the door. As Val waited for Jo to
unlock the door, she started pulling her suit off, first the
top, then the bottoms. "Oh no you don't!" her mother
protested and with her back to the door and blocking her
daughter, Jo pulled her top off over her head, then slipped
off her shorts and bikini bottoms. Giggling, she wrestled
the green bikini away from Val, then threw all the clothes
over the rail. Val hooted with laughter as she made a vain
grab for her and her mother's clothes.
"Ok, young lady, now you get to go get them."
More laughter as the naked preteen ran back down
the balcony to the stairs, then headed down. Jo stepped
forward and watched her daughter as she collected the
scattered clothes, then said hi to a downstairs neighbor as
she came out her door, a surprised look on her face. Jo
unlocked the door and slipped in, then closed it and locked
"Mommmm.....Let me in!" Val shouted and
laughed as she pounded on the door.
"I get first dibbs on the shower," Joanne called.
"First dibbs, or you stay out there 'til I'm done!"
Joanne unlocked the door, then hurried to the
Jo was under the cascade of hot water, her back to
the spray, wetting her hair, when Val peeked around the
curtain. "Can we share?"
Val stepped into the shower and Jo moved aside,
letting the girl under the spray, her head down, wetting
herself. From behind, Jo wrapped her arms around her
daughter. Val leaned back against her mom, feeling her soft
breasts against her shoulders and scratchy pussy hair just
above her right butt cheek. The child reached behind her
and pushed her hand into her mother's trimmed bush. Her
finger naturally slid into the slit and over her clit. Jo
exhaled, relaxing, squatting down very slightly. Val felt her
mother's legs spread slightly and she understood what she
wanted. The feel of her ten year olds fingers pushing up
into her vagina brought Jo right to the edge. She kissed the
top of Val's head as she reached down and returned the
favor, sliding her fingers along the child's slit, then pushing
a finger into the preteen.
Both of them slowly sank to the floor of the shower
as they fingered each others cunts. Jo's breath came in
short gasps as Val was rocked by an orgasm. After their
initial climaxes, the two gently washed each other. Val was
intrigued by the feeling of her mother's soft breast, slippery
with soap. Jo, for her part wanted very much to bring her
little girl off orally, but first Val did it to her mom. She
didn't much like the scratchy hair around her mother's cunt
and Jo agreed to start shaving herself clean. They finished
in a sixty-nine on the shower room floor, Jo on her back,
lifting her head up to lick and suck her daughter while Val
sucked her mother's clit and finger fucked her with two
Out of the shower, they dried each other off, then
combed and dried their hair. Dinner was delivered pizza
(the delivery boy being surprised and delighted to be met at
the door by two naked females). Then they curled up
together in Jo's bed and slept.
* * *
"How do you feel about today?" Jo asked as they
entered the make-up salon.
"Fine, why mom?" Valerie started to pull her top
off over her head, shaking her hair free.
"Well, this is the first time you'll be with...well it's
not Doug," Jo took her daughters offered shorts and
panties, putting them in a nylon gym bag.
Val, now completely naked, walked to the chair and
settled in. "It's OK mom, it's not as if..." she paused when
the technician started to brush out her hair, "...we're just
fooling around."
Jo decided to take her daughter's attitude at face
value, however she was still a little concerned. Val only
slightly knew Chris, Doug's son and the boy who was to
play her half brother, Josh. This time, Val was handed a
flannel night gown to wear but no panties.
The studio was completely changed, off along a
darkened edge were the break-away walls which made up
the inside of Magic, they had been replaced by a typical
British teenage boys bedroom. A Manchester United poster
on the wall, computer and video game console on the desk,
unmade bed, dirty socks, discarded shoes.
Chris was standing there, in his undershorts,
looking uncomfortable. Steve and Doug were talking to
him, giving him directions, when Val and Jo came in. After
a minute, Steve noticed them and waved them over.
"We've been going over the stage directions with
Chris," Steve said to Val. "We just want a few minutes of
film." Now he talked to the whole group. "Val knows how
to make sure the camera gets the best shot. Chris, if she
moved your hand in a certain way just take her hints. Don't
lay too much against her, we need to see the action." He
paused for effect, "I'll chime in only if I really need to."
Again he paused, "And Chris, if you're about to loose it,
tell us so we can either stop for a little while or get the final
Making the scene was really not all that much fun
for Val. Chris was very awkward, all elbows and knees. He
was, in turns, too rough and too soft in his touch to really
get her off. They never kissed. Still, with Val laying on her
back, her night gown up around her abdomen, Chris did
manage to bring her to a small orgasm, pushing his finger
way up inside her while rubbing her clit with his thumb.
Twice they had to stop for Chris to calm down, he
lay panting and was sweating quite a bit. Finally, during a
break, Steve told Val to finish the scene the next time.
Again, Val was on her back, spread out for the camera as
Chris fingered her clear clam. This time, as he lay next to
her and humped against her side, she took his cock and held
it, sandwiched between her hand and hip. Chris began to
hump faster.
"Go ahead," Val whispered to him. She really
wanted to sit up and take him in her mouth but...
With this he seemed to loose control and started
really humping hard against her. She held his cock so it was
just over her hip and across her belly. Chris grunted and she
felt his warm semen plop across her belly, a large gob
landing in her navel. Like father, like son, he continued to
pump sperm long after most men would have been empty
and, when he finally rolled away from her, her stomach was
soaked with his seed. He lay panting as Val used the
nightgown to wipe the sperm off her belly, leaving a large
dark wet area across her thighs above the knees.
"All right, that was great," Steve called (but Val
heard a small note of disappointment in his voice). Chris
jumped up and quickly wrapped a towel around himself,
suddenly self-conscious. Val felt-unmoved and went over
to her mom.
"That was fine, dear," she said, sensing her
daughter's feelings. "Sometimes it just goes that way."
Steve called Joanne over to where he was talking
with Mr. Schmidt. Val sat down in a chair and started
drinking a coke while watching the crew break down the
set, then start setting up a different on-again part of the
cabin of the boat. Jo returned.
"How ya feeling?"
"Fine." Val was distracted as a crewmember carried
something new across the stage-a marine toilet.
"Mr. Schmidt wants to get a shot of you peeing.
What do you think?"
The whole idea was silly to Val and she giggled,
"Sure, I guess so."
"Drink another coke, tell us when you need to go."
"Well, I kind'a need to go now," Val said.
"Great." Jo turned and called across to Steve,
"We're ready any time."
Steve hurried over, "Just a couple of minutes to get
set up. Can you wait?"
When all was ready, Steve talked to Val and her
mother. "I'm not quite sure where we'll use this, but.....
Anyway, just walk into the head and sit down, then wait
while we get a camera in position. Ok?"
When the filming started, all Val was to do was get
up from the dinette (she was naked) and walk the five steps
to the door, open it, step in, turn around and sit down on the
"Now, Honey," Steve said, "This is going to be
hard. We need you to start for just a second, then stop so
we can move a camera in, then you can finish."
Jo looked at Steve with an ironic smile, "Really,
Steve, keegle exercises for a ten year old?"
This got a few chuckles from around the set.
"Also, I know you don't normally do it this way
but, we need you to sort of lean back and spread your legs,
Valerie giggled again, "Ok."
"Also, I'll talk you through it, we can tape in the
soundtrack later."
The shooting only took a couple of minutes. First,
Val walked over to the head and opened the door. The next
shot, done twice because the first time she lightly stubbed
her toe on the door, she stepped into the head and sat down.
"Ok, honey," Steve said after they got the cameras
in position, "lean back and just start, then stop."
There was quite a bit of light shining into the tiny
room. Val leaned back and sort of flared her hips forward.
Steve nodded to her, reassuring her that she was in the right
position. Then she relaxed and started just a small stream,
then stopped. It was hard because she really had to go.
"That's great honey," Steve said as he waved a
cameraman forward.
"Hurrrrrreee!" Val said.
The cameraman, holding the camera on his
shoulder, moved in and got an extreme close-up. "Ok" he
Val let loose and let out a solid stream of light
yellow urine, it splashed down into the commode. She
audibly sighed at the relief.
That evening, Val was really quite depressed.
Tomorrow would be the last day of shooting. She couldn't
believe it was over and she knew she was going to miss
being with all the people. Also, school would be starting in
another week. She liked school but, after spending the
entire summer with adults, being part of a team with them,
one of them, she knew that she would find the other kids
boring. Then again, when the registration forms had arrived
she had been assigned to a new teacher-a guy, Mr.
Myerson. Maybe he'd be fun.....
They were quiet on the drive to the studio in the
morning and also in make up. Val knew that they were
going to shoot the scene where she cries-and she didn't
think she'd have any trouble.
They started in the galley of the boat, talking about
being back in Jamaica. Lessa (Val) was packing while Don
(Doug) made dinner. They ate and talked about her school
(a boarding school in England) and where Don was going
to sail next. He said that he was going to head north along
the East Coast, then might cross to Europe.
"What would you say if I was in England for
Christmas?" he asked.
"That would be wonderful!" Lessa exclaimed. Then
she told him she'd love to have him meet her friends at
Only a few minutes later, they moved into the aft
cabin. Steve gave almost no instructions.
They sat down on the bunk, still clothed, and kissed.
As they explored each other's mouths with their tongues,
Doug slid his hand up under to aqua tank top Val was
wearing. Her nipples stood out through to flimsy fabric, he
started gently rubbing them. Val let out a long sigh as she
leaned back against his arm. Then, slowly, Doug leaned
Val back onto the mattress, all the time kissing her and
running his fingers over the small growths under the flimsy
When he had her on her back, he moved his hand
down, now sliding his fingers between her legs on the
outside of her cotton shorts. Again Val moaned as she
slowly humped against Doug's hand. One of her arms was
around his neck, with the other, free, hand, she pushed
down on the elastic waist band of the shorts, uncovering
her hip and the top of her pubic rise. Doug took the hint and
moved his hand back, then forward into the ten year olds
panties, sliding along her, now familiar, pussy and pushing
his index finger up inside her cunt. Doug continued finger
fucking his little goddess until she was rocked by an
orgasm, hugging him tight as she spasmodically humped
against his hand.
Then, as she lay there panting, Doug stood up and
undressed, stepping out of his shorts. Val, smiling up at
him, sat up on the edge of the bunk and, grasping his cock,
pulled him to her and took him in her mouth. She pushed
him deep into her throat, then pulled back, licked the length
of the shaft, then sucked one of his balls into her mouth.
After sucking first one, then the other of the man's testicles,
she again took his cock into her mouth and continued to
suck him right up to the last second when he pulled away,
not wanting to empty his load quite yet. A long string of
pre-cum stretched out from her tongue to the tip of his
Doug pushed the child back on the cushion, then
started working her shorts down her thighs. Val, at the
same time, pulled her tank top up and over her head, then
fell back again, displaying her smooth body for Doug, her
legs spread, her knees bent over the edge of the bunk.
Doug kneeled down and started licking the hairless
preteen slit and, simultaneously, Val pulled in a ragged
breath and humped to meet him. He kept licking and
sucking the little girl's clit as he pushed a finger up inside
her. Very shortly, the child was racked by another orgasm,
pushing his head into her pus and lifting her knees off the
Again, Doug straightened up, then pulling her
towards him, positioned her. Still kneeling on the deck, he
pushed his cock inside the little girl. She writhed as she felt
her immature sex take the man, pushing deep inside her.
They fucked like this for several minutes before Doug
pulled her up, sitting, impaled, then turned around and sat
down on the bed. Val pushed him back now, taking control,
as she lifted and dropped, sliding him in and out of her.
That was when she remembered that this was their
last scene together, the last time, at least in the movie, that
she would feel her 42 year old lover deep inside her. Her
passion built with her sadness as she faster and more
violently repeatedly slammed him against the entrance of
her womb. For Doug, it seemed the child had gone crazy,
absolutely fucking him with abandon, watching her endure
repeated jarring orgasms as she fuck so hard that she had to
be hurting herself.
Finally, he just couldn't control any more and,
humping up to meet the child, he blew a river of sperm
deep inside the preteen. As she felt herself being filled with
her lover's seed she began to cry in the midst of another
excruciating climax, her tears splashing on Doug's chest as
his cock spewed inside her.